Camp Food Support

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8 volunteers for…
2 lb. of ground beef (with taco seasoning included) FROZEN in ziplock baggie.

Maximum number of attendees reached - registrations are closed.
Total Attendees: 8

# Name
1. Emily Thomas
2. Chari Walsh
3. Maryann Fortman
4. Donna Lane
5. Donna Lane
6. Natalie Kondritz
7. Madeline Kondritz
8. Susie Rudolph


10 volunteers for…
Chili – prepared for 4-6 servings and FROZEN in ziplock baggie

Name is mandatory

Fields marked with a '*' are mandatory

Total Attendees: 9
# Name
1. Fillingim family
2. Fillingim family
3. Culberg
4. Megan Kafka
5. Emily ott
6. Eggert family
7. Kohls Family
8. Jen klosterman
9. Lexy Harris


10 volunteers for…
Large cooler – bring to CHS on Thursday when arriving for pictures

Maximum number of attendees reached - registrations are closed.
Total Attendees: 10

# Name
1. Emily Thomas
2. Sami Holthaus
3. Donna Lane
4. Debbie Thomas
5. Cindy Hoying
6. Emily horwath
7. Fillingim family
8. Alexa Jennings
9. Clare Cooons
10. Ashley Engel

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